Coldplay é uma banda britânica de rock alternativo fundada em 1996 na Inglaterra pelo vocalista e pianista Chris Martin e o guitarrista Jonny Buckland no University College London. Antes do lançamento do primeiro álbum, Parachutes, a banda gravou e lançou três EP; Safety em 1998, Brothers & Sisters e The Blue Room em 1999. Este último foi o primeiro lançamento da banda por uma grande gravadora, depois de assinar contrato com a Parlophone.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb I used to rule the world, Seas AbFm would rise when I gave the word. FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb Now in the morning I sleep alone, sweep the streets AbFm I used to own.
DbEbAbFsus2 DbEbAbFsus2
[verse 2]
Fsus2Dbsus2Absus4/Eb I used to roll the dice, Feel the AbFm fear in my enemy's eyes. FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb Listen as the crowd would sing,"Now the.. AbFm old king is dead! Long live the king!"
[verse 3]
FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb One minute I held the key, Next the AbFm walls were closed on me. FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb And I discovered that my castles stand, upon AbFm pillars of salt and pillars of sand.
DbEbsus4 I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, AbFm Roman Cavalry choirs are singing. DbEbsus4 Be my mirror, my sword and shield, AbFm My missionaries in a foreign field. DbEb For some reason I can't explain, Ab/CFm Once you go there was never, FmDbmaj7Eb7 Never an honest word. and Abmaj7Fm that was when I ruled the world.
Dbsus2Absus4/EbAbFm Dbsus2Absus4/EbAbFm
[verse 4]
FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb It was the wicked and wild wind, blew AbFm down the doors to let me in. FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb Shattered windows and the sound of drums, people AbFm couldn't believe what I'd become.
[verse 5]
FmDbEb Revolutionaries wait, for AbFm my head on a silver plate. FmDbsus2Absus4/Eb Just a puppet on a lonely string, oh AbFm who would ever want to be king?
DbEbsus4 I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, AbFm Roman Cavalry choirs are singing. DbEbsus4 Be my mirror, my sword and shield, AbFm My missionaries in a foreign field. DbEb For some reason I can't explain, Ab/CFm I know Saint Peter won't call my name FmDbmaj7Eb7 Never an honest word. and Abmaj7Fm that was when I ruled the world.
Ebsus4 oooh DbEbsus4AbFsus2 oh oh ooh oh , oh ooh ho DbEbsus4AbFsus2 oh oh ooh oh , oh ooh ho
DbEbsus4 I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, AbFm Roman Cavalry choirs are singing. DbEbsus4 Be my mirror, my sword and shield, AbFm My missionaries in a foreign field. DbEb For some reason I can't explain, Ab/CFm I know Saint Peter won't call my name FmDbmaj7Eb7 Never an honest word. and Abmaj7Fm that was when I ruled the world.