Brand New é uma banda de rock alternativo, liderada por Jesse Lacey, contando com o guitarrista Vincent Accardi, o baixista e guitarrista Garrett Tierney e o baterista Brian Lane. A Banda foi formada em Merrick, Nova York, nos anos 2000.
A banda já lançou 5 álbuns de estúdio - Your Favorite Weapon (2001), Deja Entendu (2003), The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me (2006), Daisy (2009), Science Fiction (2017).
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Artist - Brand New Album - Deja Entendu Song - The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot Released - 2003
***************************************************** ** This is a REALLY easy song, very easy to get... ** ** It's mainly down strumming with a few strums ** ** thrown in at the end of every chord but you can ** ** get away with just strumming down. Like I said ** ** it's a really easy song but it's one of my ** ** F A V O U R I T E S ! ** *****************************************************
Tuning - (½ step down) EbAbDbGbBbEb
Chords G - 320033 Dsus - xx0233 Cadd9 - x32033
G If it makes you less sad, Dsus I will die by your hand.
I hope you find out what you want. Cadd9 I already know that I am.
G And if it makes you less sad, Dsus We'll start talking again.
And you can tell me how vile Cadd9 I already know that I am.
G I'll grow old Dsus And start acting my age.
I'll be a brand new day Cadd9 In a life that you hate.
G A crown of gold Dsus And a heart that's harder than stone.
And it hurts a whole lot, Cadd9 But it's missed when it's gone.
GDsus Call me a safe bet. Cadd9 But I bet that I'm not. GDsus I'm glad that you can forgive, Cadd9 I'm only hoping as time goes by
You can forget.
G If it makes you less sad, Dsus I'll move out of the state.
You can keep to yourself, Cadd9 I'll keep out of your way.
G And if it makes you less sad, Dsus I'll take your pictures all down.
Every picture you pain, Cadd9 I will paint myself out.
G It's as cold as a tomb, Dsus And it's dark in your room,
When I sneak to your bed Cadd9 To pour salt on your wounds.
G So call it quits, Dsus Or get a grip.
You say you wanted a solution, Cadd9 But you just wanted to be missed.
GDsus Call me a safe bet. Cadd9 But I'm betting I'm not. GDsus I'm glad that you can forgive, Cadd9 I'm only hoping as time goes by
That you can forget.
G You are calm and reposed. Dsus It lets your beauty unfold.
Pale white like the skin Cadd9 Stretched over your bones.
G Spring keeps you ever close. Dsus You are second hand smoke.
You are so fragile and thin. Cadd9 Standing trial for your sins.
G Holding onto your self Dsus The best you can.
You are the smell before rain. Cadd9 You are the blood in my veins.
GDsus Call me a safe bet. Cadd9 I'm betting I'm not. GDsus I'm glad that you can forgive, Cadd9 I'm only hoping as time goes G That you can forget.