Ben Kweller (nascido em 16 de junho de 1981) é um músico americano de rock e ex-vocalista da banda dos anos 90 Radish, que foi comparada com o Nirvana pela revista Rolling Stone. A banda popularizou-se na cena musical de Dallas, Texas desde sua formação em 1993. Entretanto, a banda foi duramente criticada como apenas uma imitação de Nirvana com um vocalista muito jovem (Kweller ainda era adolescente na época). Entretanto, Kweller, Bryan Blur (baixo) e John Kent (bateria) assinaram com uma grande gravadora, Mercury Records, em 1995.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On My Way - Ben Kweller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Jeremy Koebel Email:
Tuning: Standard
Listen to the song to get a more precise idea of the riff and strumming patterns and rhythm.
G - 320003 D - X00232 C - X32010 Bm - 224432 Em - 022000
This is a very simple, catchy, and fun tune to play. At the beginning of each verse, Ben a run on the E string which goes into a G chord followed by strumming.
GDGD I want to kill this man, but he turned around and ran CDCD I'll kill him with karate that I learned in Japan GDGD He wouldn't see my face, I wouldn't leave a trace. CDCD I wouldn't use a bullet, cause a bullet's a disgrace.
EmBmEmBm Aw, Mom I never thought that I was a murdering man CGCG But tonight I'm on my way, tonight I'm on my way
[Verse 2]
GDGD There's this drawer that I know, in a house up the road CDCD That's full of things that are easily sold GDGD When they go out of town I could go and snoop around CDCD And make myself rich, off the things that I found
EmBmEmBm Aw, Mom I never thought that I was a stealing man CGCG But tonight I'm on my way, tonight I'm on my way
[Verse 3]
GDGD I was sitting on the bleacher, staring at the speaker CDCD Reading his lips, but I could not understand GDGD So I opened up my ears and clearly I could hear CDCD This detailed story all about a grain of sand
EmBmEmBm Aw, Mom I always dreamt of being a good listener CGCG So tonight I'm on my way, tonight I'm on my way
[Verse 4]
GDGD There's this kid you gotta meet, he lives across the street CDCD Hes got spirit and heart, we're ten years apart GDGD He is up for anything, he can hang with anyone CDCD He still likes the things, we used to think were fun
EmBmEmBm Aw, mom I never thought that I could have a friend CGCG But tonight I'm on my way, tonight I'm on my way CGC (D, Riff) Oh tonight, I'm on my way
[Verse 5]
GDGD I'm in love with someone, who's as pretty as a flower CDCD Her life gives me power, so I'm buying her a ring GDGD She makes hats with her hands, she is such an artist CDCD I'm her biggest fan and I'm teaching her to sing
EmBmEmBm Aw, Mom I never thought that I could love no one CGCG But tonight I'm on my way, tonight I'm on my way CGCG Ohhhh tonight I'm on my way.