Data de Nascimento:17-08-1958 Local de Nascimento:Hollywood, California País de Origem:EUA
Belinda Carlisle iniciou as incursões no mundo da música como elemento das Go-Go's, um grupo feminino de new wave que alcançou um êxito considerável durante os anos 80, nos Estados Unidos. Contudo, em 1984, Carlisle preferiu enveredar por uma carreira a solo, deixando ainda assim a porta aberta a um possível retorno às Go's. O primeiro álbum editado em nome próprio apareceu em 1986.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Intro: GADG In my little black book... ABmDCGD You're there to remind me...
Verse 1: DGA There was a time you and I were everything. DG You'll never know the days and nights A I spend imagining. D Yesterday is the only place GCCMaj7Am7C We'll ever know, oh oh oh.
Chorus: D/F# In my little black book GABm There's someone I used to know. DC Day by day time slips away, G Where did our love go? D/F# In my little black book GA You're always there to remind me Bm It wasn't just a dream, DGAD And baby in my heart you will always be.
Verse 2: D Picked up the phone, GA Didn't know what I was gonna do. DG I heard your voice, I had no choice: A I hang up on you. D Yesterday is the only place GCCMaj7Am7C We'll ever go, oh oh oh... oh.
Chorus: D/F# In my little black book GABm There's someone I used to know. DC Day by day time slips away, G Where did our love go? D/F# In my little black book GA You're always there to remind me Bm How it used to be, DGAD But baby in my heart, you're still a part of me.
Bridge: GD - G There's no future living in the past, Em You can dream but you can never go back, oh no, DG You will always be there A In my little black, F#m (*) In my little black book.
(*) Violin Solo: E/G#ABC#m EDA
Chorus: E/G# In my little black book ABC#m There's someone I used to know. ED Day by day time slips away, A Where did our love go? E/G# In my little black book AB You're always there to remind me C#m It wasn't just a dream, ED Where worlds apart, you're in my heart, A And there you'll always be. E/G# In my little black book ABC#m There's someone I used to know. ED Day by day time slips away, A Where did our love go?
Outro: E/G# In my little black book A (You'll always be) BE/G# Part of me A (You'll always be) BE/G# In my little black book A (You'll always be) BE/G# Part of me AB (Be there for me) E/G#ABE/G# You will always be a part of me A (You'll always be) BE/G# In my little black book AB (You'll always be) E/G#AB (Be there for me...)