UNTIL WE BURN IN THE SUN - Bedouin Soundclash
Tabbed by: sprinklerthief
Email: borderlightdesigns@hotmail.com
Tuning: Standard
E A D A2 Gsus4 G2 A3 Csus2 G
E A D A2 x4
E A D A2 E A D
Until we burn back into the sun
A2 E A D A2 Gsus4 G2 A3
Until we burn, the kids will just want a love song
E G A3
Popping a collar and kicking down the street
E G A3
Kick it, kick it, kick it, to the friends you will meet
E G A3
Beats to beats move our broken club feet
Csus2 G A2
On the off beats and in the Middle East
E G A3
The dance one drops like water in the sand
E G A3
Drop it, drop it, drop it, like the heat in Clubland
E G A3
The moves that break, the breaks, we break on newsstands,
Csus2 G A2
The time that sifts like sand through my hand
E A D A2 E A D
Until we burn back into the sun
A2 E A D A2 Gsus4 G2 A3
Until we burn, the kids will just want a love song
E G A3
Breaking, breaking, breaking like waves on the sand
E G A3
Polar bears on American Bandstand
E G A3
Killer killer on electric break slide
Csus2 G A2
Put it back together on a worldwide divide
E G A3
City punk rocker rocking like he doesn't try
E G A3
With a Roots reggae rocker like Lucy in the sky
E G A3
We all fall down when the water runs dry
Csus2 G A2
We all say hello when we all meant goodbye
E A D A2 E A D
Until we burn back into the sun
A2 E A D A2 Gsus4 G2 A3
Until we burn, the kids will just want a love song
E G A3 x3
Csus2 G A2
E G A3 x3
Csus2 G A2
We all say hello when we all meant goodbye
E A D A2 E A D
Until we burn Until we burn
A2 E A D A2 Gsus4 G2 A3
Until we burn, the kids will just want a love song
| / slide up
| slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note