Quatro meninas que dançaram irlandês para a opinião pública quando a sua estréia única "C'est La Vie 'lideravam as tabelas, B * Witched gozava uma sensação de correr quatro consecutivos Number 1s em pouco mais de nove meses.
Crescer em Dublin, Edele irmãs gêmeas e Keavy (os irmãos mais jovens do Boyzone's Shane) Lynch são muito fortes exemplos do velho clichê de que vem de uma família musical. O seu avô era um jogador violino e música era tão familiar em torno da casa, mais ainda quando Shane Boyzone e começou a descolar.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
[Verse 1] GC I say, hey boy sitting in your tree GD Mummy always wants you to come for tea GC Don't be shy, straighten up your tie GD Get down from your tree house sitting in the sky GC I wanna know just what to do GD Is it very big, is there room for two GC I got a house with windows and doors GD I'll show you mine if you show me yours
[Bridge] EmA Gotta let me in, hey hey hey CG (F#/G) Em Let the fun begin, hey----ey EmA I'm the wolf today, hey hey hey C I'll huff, I'll puff C7G I'll huff, I'll puff, I'll blow you away
[Chorus] GC (Say you will), say you won't EmD Say you'll do what I don't GC Say you're true, say to me EmD C'est la vie GC Say you will, say you won't EmD Say you'll do what I don't GC Say you're true, say to me EmD C'est la vie
[Verse 2] GC Do you play with the girls, play with the boys? GD Do you ever get lonely playing with your toys? GC We can talk, we can sing GD I'll be the queen and you'll be the king GC Hey boy, in your tree GD Throw down a ladder, make room for me GC I got a house with windows and doors GD I'll show you mine if you show me yours
[Bridge] EmA Gotta let me in, hey hey hey CGF#/GEm Let the fun begin, hey----ey EmA I'm the wolf today, hey hey hey C I'll huff, I'll puff C7G I'll huff, I'll puff, I'll blow you away
[Chorus] GC (Say you will), say you won't EmD Say you'll do what I don't GC Say you're true, say to me EmD C'est la vie GC Say you will, say you won't EmD Say you'll do what I don't GC Say you're true, say to me EmD C'est la vie
[Interlude] (Key Change) ADAE repeat Hey hey Na na na, hey Na na na, oh Na na na, hey Hey hey hey hey
[Chorus] AD Say you will, say you won't F#mE Say you'll do what I don't AD Say you're true, say to me F#mE C'est la vi AD Say you will, say you won't F#mE Say you'll do what I don't AD Say you're true, say to me F#mE C'est la vi
[Outro] ADAE (Repeat till end) Na na na, hey Na na na, oh C'est la vie Na na na, hey Hey hey C'est la vie