Peter Gene Hernandez (Honolulu, Havaí, 8 de Outubro de 1985), mais conhecido pelo nome artístico Bruno Mars, é um cantor, compositor, produtor musical e multi-instrumentista americano, nascido e criado no Havaí. Vindo de uma família com uma grande tradição musical, Mars começou a cantar e a se apresentar como um artista amador durante a infância. Depois de se formar no ensino médio, decidiu mudar-se para Los Angeles, na Califórnia, com o objetivo de investir cada vez mais em sua carreira musical.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
The cover that they did on Glee made me fall in love with this song. I just had to try it on uke!!
F It's a beautiful night Gm We're looking for something dumb to do Bb Hey baby BbmF I think I wanna marry you
F Is it the look in your eyes Gm Or is it this dancing juice Bb Who cares baby BbmF I think I wanna marry you
FGm Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go Bb No one will know F Come on girl FGm Who cares if we're trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow Bb Shots of patron F And it's on girl
F Don't say no no no no-no Gm Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah Bb And we'll go go go go-go Bbm If you're ready like I'm ready
F Cause it's a beautiful night Gm We're looking for something dumb to do Bb Hey baby BbmF I think I wanna marry you
F Is it the look in your eyes Gm Or is it this dancing juice Bb Who cares baby BbmF I think I wanna marry you
FGm I'll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh Bb So whatcha wanna do F Let's just run girl
F gm If we wake up and you wanna break up that's cool Bb No I won't blame you F It was fun girl
F Don't say no no no no-no Gm Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah Bb And we'll go go go go-go Bbm If you're ready like I'm ready
F Cause it's a beautiful night Gm We're looking for something dumb to do Bb Hey baby BbmF I think I wanna marry you
F Is it the look in your eyes Gm Or is it this dancing juice Bb Who cares baby BbmF I think I wanna marry you
FGm Just say I do Bb Tell me right now baby F Tell me right now baby
FGm Just say I do Bb Tell me right now baby F Tell me right now baby
F Cause it's a beautiful night Gm We're looking for something dumb to do Bb Hey baby BbmF I think I wanna marry you
F Is it the look in your eyes Gm Or is it this dancing juice Bb Who cares baby BbmF- I think I wanna marry you