Ash é uma banda originária de Downpatrick, Irlanda do Norte em 1992. Sua música costumava ser classificada como britpop, devido ao fato da banda ter se tornado popular na mesma época em que o termo se espalhou pela grande mídia. O estilo musical da banda apresenta influências também do punk rock, do grunge e do hard rock.
Os integrantes originais da banda são Tim Wheeler, Mark Hamilton e Rick McMurray. Aos três se juntou Charlotte Hatherley, que começou uma carreira solo como um projeto paralelo em 2005.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
From the "Cosmic Debris" bonus disc with Intergalactic Sonic 7"s Figured out by Hawkman, 17/09/2006.
I wasn't totally convinced by the couple of tabs I've found for Halloween so I worked out. 99% certain that it's right; the chorus might not be perfect, but it sounds good One of my favourite ever Ash songs, and it's a B side - crazy eh?
Can be played without a capo (written immediately below) but the Fm to Bm is trickily or more easily with a capo on the second fret (written afterwards).
*********** * NO CAPO * ***********
Introduction: (DBmEFmBmE x2
DBmEFmBm A I moved in that very day DBmEFm EA The room was small but I liked it anyway DBmEFm EA We watched TV while I dreamed through my mind DBmEFm DFmED And the pregnant girl was busy all the ti-i-ime...
DBmEFmBm A September and October passed me by DBmEFmBm A I decided to go home for a while DBmEFm EA I got a lift with an old friend of mine DBmDFm DFmED I wanted her still she reminded me on the wa-a-ay...
ADFmBmAE So when I got home I went to see Mum and Dad AD They asked was I OK EFm Was I happy enough BmEA and I smiled and I said that I was
DBmEFmBm EA A few days later I decided to leave DBmEFm EA I couldn't find anyone who would take me DBmEFm EA The only thing I could do was take a bus DBmEFm DFmED So at half six I left to get the late expre-e-ess...
DBmE BmEA I boarded the bus with my clean washing over my back DBmEFm EA I sat beside a girl all dressed in black DBmEFmBm A We talked and smiled most of the way DBmEFm DFmED Till her jealous boyfriend angrily led her awa-a-ay...
ADFm Then when I reached the house BmAE There was a party on inside ADEFm My friend came to the door took my bags from my hand BmEA And welcomed me in from the night DFmBm E As I was walking through the happy house that Halloween night ADEFm My friends were all there my heart was glad BmEA And my life felt actually alright ADEFm My friends were all there my heart was glad BmEA And my life felt actually alright
******************** * CAPO ON 2ND FRET * ********************
Introduction: (CAmDEmAmD x2
CAmDEmAm G I moved in that very day CAmDEm DG The room was small but I liked it anyway CAmDEm DG We watched TV while I dreamed through my mind CAmDEm CEmDC And the pregnant girl was busy all the ti-i-ime...
CAmDEmAm G September and October passed me by CAmDEmAm G I decided to go home for a while CAmDEm DG I got a lift with an old friend of mine CAmDEm CEmDC I wanted her still she reminded me on the wa-a-ay...
GCEmAmGD So when I got home I went to see Mum and Dad GC They asked was I OK DEm Was I happy enough AmDG and I smiled and I said that I was
CAmDEmAm DG A few days later I decided to leave CAmDEm DG I couldn't find anyone who would take me CAmDEm DG The only thing I could do was take a bus CAmDEm CEmDC So at half six I left to get the late expre-e-ess...
CAmD AmDG I boarded the bus with my clean washing over my back CAmDEm DG I sat beside a girl all dressed in black CAmDEmAm G We talked and smiled most of the way CAmDEm CEmDC Till her jealous boyfriend angrily led her awa-a-ay...
GCEm Then when I reached the house AmGD There was a party on inside GCDEm My friend came to the door took my bags from my hand AmDG And welcomed me in from the night CEmAm D As I was walking through the happy house that Halloween night GCDEm My friends were all there my heart was glad AmDG And my life felt actually alright GCDEm My friends were all there my heart was glad AmDG And my life felt actually alright