Arcade Fire é um grupo musical formado na cidade de Montreal, Canadá em 2003. Seus membros são Win Butler, Régine Chassagne, Richard Reed Parry, William Butler, Tim Kingsbury, Sarah Neufeld e Jeremy Gara. Neufeld e Parry também tocam na banda instrumental Bell Orchestre. Outro músico frequentemente associado à banda é o violinista Owen Pallett, que fez os arranjos de orquestra e de cordas com Régine Chassagne para os dois primeiros álbuns, Funeral e Neon Bible, além de ter tocado com o grupo em concertos ao vivo.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
The chord he plays before the lyrics is E7. Listen for the chord strumming pattern for yourself.
E7 Brazil F# Where hearts are entertained in June F#m We stood beneath an amber moon G#m And softly whispered one day soon F#mG#mC#C#mC# We kissed, and clung together then C#mC# Tomorrow was another day C#mC# The morning found me miles away A There's still a million things to say AmE And now, as twilight moves the sky above F#m Recalling thrills of our love G#m There's one thing that I'm certain of F#mG#mF#mE7 Return, I will, to old Brazil
Brazil F# Where hearts are entertained in June F#m We stood beneath an amber moon G#m And softly whispered one day soon F#mG#mC#C#mC# We kissed, and clung together then C#mC# Tomorrow was another day C#mC# The morning found me miles away A There's still a million things to say AmE And now, as twilight moves the sky above F#m Recalling thrills of our love G#m There's one thing that I'm certain of F#mG#mF#mE7 Return, I will, to old Brazil