Andrew Lloyd Webber (Londres, 22 de março de 1948) é um compositor e produtor musical britânico, oriundo de uma família de músicos, e por muitos considerado um dos compositores teatrais de maior renome do fim do século XX.
É autor de obras que mantiveram com grande êxito tanto na Broadway com em West End. Durante a sua carreira, produziu quinze musicais, dois filmes, entre outras obras, tendo acumulado ainda um número de honras e prémios
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
This is my first tab , so apologies for any mistakes , but it does sound very accurate. Let me know if you think there are any mistakes. Enjoy!
Capo 1st. (Doesn't really matter but it gives it that little extra edge)
AmE Close every door to me, AmE Hide all the world from me AmFmaj7Dm7Em Bar all the windows , And shut out the light AmE Do what you want with me, AmE Hate me and laugh at me AmFmaj7Dm7Em Darken my daytime , And torture my night CF If my life were important I GC Would ask will I live or die EmAmFG But I know the answers lie , Far from this world AmE Close every door to me, AmE Keep those I love from me AmFmaj7Dm7Em Children of Israel , Are never alone CF For I know I shall find GC My own peace of mind AbmAmFDEmAm For I have been promised , A land of my own
(Children Sing)
AmE Close every door to me, AmE Hide all the world from me AmFmaj7Dm7Em Bar all the windows , And shut out the light
(Joseph Sings Alone Again)
AmE Just give me a number AmE Instead of my name AmFmaj7Dm7Em Forget all about me , And let me decay AmE I do not matter, AmE I'm only one person AmFmaj7Dm7Em Destroy me completely , Then throw me away GF If my life were important I CG Would ask will I live or die EmAmFG But I know the answers lie , Far from this world
Joseph, Ensemble & Children
AmE Close every door to me, AmE Keep those I love from me
AmFmaj7Dm7Em Children of Israel , Are never alone CF For We know We shall find GC Our own peace of mind AbmAmFDEmAm For We have been promised , A land of our own