...FUCK ME PUMPS... by Amy Winehouse
*from 'Frank' (2004)*
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
When you walk in the bar, and you dressed like a star,
C Bm G
Rockin' your F me pumps.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
And the men notice you, with your Gucci bag crew,
C Bm G
Can't tell who he's lookin' to.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
'Cos you all look the same; every-one knows your name,
C Bm G
And that's you whole claim to fame.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
Ne-ver miss a night, 'cuz your dream in life,
C Bm G
Is to be a foot-ballers wife.
Am D
You don't like players, that's what you say-a,
But you really wouldn't mind a million-aire.
Am D
You don't like ballers, they don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man, six feet two or taller.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
You're more than a fan, look-in' for a man,
C Bm G
But you end up with one-night-stands.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
He could be your whole life, if you got past one night,
C Bm G
But that part never goes right.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
In the morning you're vexed, he's onto the next,
C Bm G
And you didn't even get no taste.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
Don't be too up-set, if they call you a skank,
C Bm G
'Cos like the news; every-day you get pressed.
Am D
You don't like players, that's what you say-a,
But you really wouldn't mind a million-aire.
Am D
You don't like ballers, they don't do nothing for ya,
But you'd love a rich man, six feet two or taller.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
You can't sit down right, 'cos you jeans are too tight,
C Bm G
And your lucky it's ladies night.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
With your big empty purse, every week it gets worse,
C Bm G
At least your breasts cost more than hers.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
So you did Mia-mi, 'cos you got there for free,
C Bm G
But somehow, you missed the plane.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
You did too much E; met somebo-dy,
C Bm G
And spent the night getting caned.
Am D
Without girls like you, there'd be no fun;
We'd go to the club, and not see any-one.
Am D
Without girls like you, there's no night-life,
All those men just go home to their wives.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
Don't be mad at me, 'cos you're pushing thir-ty,
C Bm G
And your old tricks no longer work.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6
You should have known from the job, that you always get dumped;
C Bm G
So dust off your fuck me pumps.
Bsus4 Bm7 Dm Fm6 C Bm G Am D
x24452 x24232 xx0231 1x0110 032010 x24432 320003 x02210 xx0232
Tabbed by Joel from cLuMsY, Bristol, England, 2007 (clumsyband@hotmail.com)