Al Jolson, nome artístico de Asa Yoelson, (Seredžius, Lituânia, 26 de Maio de 1886 — San Francisco, 23 de Outubro de 1950) foi um cantor e ator que se consagrou nos Estados Unidos, tanto no cinema como na música.
Nascido na Lituânia, tornou-se um dos grandes ícones da cultura popular dos Estados Unidos durante a primeira metade do século 20. A data de seu nascimento é até os dias de hoje tema de muitas discussões, no caso, se não sabendo ao certo o ano de seu nascimento - 1885 ou 1886 - embora
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Smythe Please e mail any corrections to:- [email protected] ========================================================================== Baby Face various ==========================================================================
Verse 1
C Gdim7 G7 Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face G7 There’s not another who can take your place CE7A7 My Ba - by face, D7G7 My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something’
CE7Asus4E7CC7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race FFmCE7A7 I didn’t need a shove, well I went and fell in love D7G7C With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
C Gdim7 G7 Baby face, you’ve got the cutest little tootsie face G7 There’s not another who can take your place CE7A7 My Ba - by face, D7 Well my poor heart is jumping G7 You know you went and started something
CE7Asus4E7CC7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race FFmCE7A7 I didn’t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love D7G7D7G7 With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby D7G7CG7C Talking ‘bout a little baby face
D Adim7 A7 Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face A7 There’s not another who can take your place DF#7B7 My Ba - by face, E7A7 My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something’
DF#7Bsus4F#7DD7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race GGmDF#7B7 I didn’t need a shove, well I went and fell in love E7A7D With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
D Adim7 A7 Baby face, you’ve got the cutest little tootsie face A7 There’s not another who can take your place DF#7B7 My Ba - by face, E7 Well my poor heart is jumping A7 You know you went and started something
DF#7Bsus4F#7DD7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race GGmDF#7B7 I didn’t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love E7A7E7A7 With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby E7A7DA7D Talking ‘bout a little baby face
E Bdim7 B7 Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face B7 There’s not another who can take your place EG#7C#7 My Ba - by face, F#7B7 My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something’
EG#7C#sus4G#7EE7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race AAmEG#7C#7 I didn’t need a shove, well I went and fell in love F#7B7E With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
E Bdim7 B7 Baby face, you’ve got the cutest little tootsie face B7 There’s not another who can take your place EG#7C#7 My Ba - by face, F#7 Well my poor heart is jumping B7 You know you went and started something
EG#7C#sus4G#7EE7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race AAmEG#7C#7 I didn’t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love F#7B7F#7B7 With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby F#7B7EB7E Talking ‘bout a little baby face
F Cdim7 C7 Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face C7 There’s not another who can take your place FA7D7 My Ba - by face, G7C7 My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something’
FA7Dsus4A7FF7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race BbBbmFA7D7 I didn’t need a shove, well I went and fell in love G7C7F With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
F Cdim7 C7 Baby face, you’ve got the cutest little tootsie face C7 There’s not another who can take your place FA7D7 My Ba - by face, G7 Well my poor heart is jumping C7 You know you went and started something
FA7Dsus4A7FF7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race BbBbmFA7D7 I didn’t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love G7C7G7C7 With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby G7C7FC7F Talking ‘bout a little baby face
G Ddim7 D7 Baby face, You got the cutest little baby face D7 There’s not another who can take your place GB7E7 My Ba - by face, A7D7 My poor heart is thumping, you sure have started something’
GB7Esus4B7GG7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race CCmGB7E7 I didn’t need a shove, well I went and fell in love A7D7G With my pretty baby face.
Verse 2
G Ddim7 D7 Baby face, you’ve got the cutest little tootsie face D7 There’s not another who can take your place GB7E7 My Ba - by face, A7 Well my poor heart is jumping D7 You know you went and started something
GB7Esus4B7GG7 Baby face, I’m up in heaven when I’m in your fond emb - race CCmGB7E7 I didn’t need a shove, Cos I went and fell in love A7D7A7D7 With your pretty little baby, pretty little baby A7D7GD7G Talking ‘bout a little baby face