Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper Thornton (Nova Iorque, 22 de junho de 1953), conhecida mundialmente por Cyndi Lauper, é uma cantora estadunidense vencedora do Grammy, compositora, multi-instrumentista e uma atriz vencedora do Emmy. Ela se tornou um icone da música Pop & Rock em meados dos anos 80 e também um icone revolucionário da moda. Com seus diversos estilos misturados, roupas excêntricas e carisma, junto aos seus video-clipes inovadores na época e uma voz que cativou uma geração, ela fazia história no mundo da música.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Verse 1:
AmGCC You with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged
FAmG Oh I realize it's hard to take courage
CDmEmF In a world full of people, you can lose sight of it all
AmGFC And the darkness inside you make you feel so small
FCGsus4G But I'll see your true colors shining through
FCFGsus4G I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
FCFAm So don't be afraid to let them show
FCFCGsus4Am Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude: - Am - - C -- F - - Am - - C -- F -
Verse 2:
Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy,
can't remember when I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
FCGsus4G But I'll see your true colors shining through
FCFGsus4G I'll see your true colors, And that's why I love you
FCFAm So don't be afraid to let them show
FCFCGsus4Am Your true colors, True colors are beautiful, like a Rainbow
Interlude: - Am - - C -- F - - Am - - C -- F -
Verse 3:
Oooo....- whispered - can't remember when I last saw you laughing
- sung - If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear
You call me up, because you know I'll be there
FINAL Chorus:
And I'll see your true colors shining through
I'll see your true colors and that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors,
FCGsus4G true colors are shining through
FGsus4FGsus4G I'll see your true colors, and that's why I love you
FCE7AmFCFC So don't be afraid to let them show Your true colors, true colors
Gsus4Am Beautiful, Like a Rainbow