Os Pixies são uma banda de alt rock formada em Boston, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos em 1986. O grupo separou-se em 1993 por divergências mas voltou-se a juntar em 2004. Black Francis, Joey Santiago, Kim Deal e Dave Lovering são os únicos membros do grupo em toda a sua história.
Sua música foi muito influenciada pelo punk e surf rock, e embora fosse bastante melódica, também era capaz de conter material mais pesado. Francis era o principal compositor e vocalista do grupo.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
BC#m Last night he could not make it G#C#m He tried hard but he could not make it BC#m Last night he could not make it Riff 1 BC#m On a holiday G# For many miles Riff 1 C#mB Looking for a place to stay C#m Near some friendly star G# He found this mote Riff 1 C#mB And now we wonder where we are BC#m How could this so great G# Turn so shitty Riff 1 C#mB He ended up in army crates C#m And photographs in files G# His tiny boat C#m Sparked as he turned to BG# Grazed our city
Riff 4 EG I started driving on the motorway Riff 5 BE I was feeling down
(quiet) Riff 1 BC#mG#C#m Last night he could not make it
(loud) BC#m Last night he could not make it G#C#m He tried hard but he could not make it BC#m Last night he could not make
(Repeat Intro)
Verse 3 (Guitar 1):
Riff 2 BC#m On a holiday G# For many miles Riff 2 C#mB Looking for a place to stay C#m Near some friendly star G# He found this mote Riff 2 C#mB And now we wonder C#m How could this so great G# Turn so shit Riff 2 C#mB He ended up in army crates C#m And photographs in files G# His tiny boat C#m Sparked as he turned to
Bridge 2 (x2):
Riff 3 BC#m Last night he could not make it G#C#m He tried hard but he could not make it BC#m Last night he could not make it BC#m On a holiday
End Chorus (x7): (After 3 or 4 times, just improvise something between Riffs 4 and 5)
Riff 4 EG He started heading for the motorway Riff 5 BE And he came right down