"You're Dead" - Norma Tanega
This song is very tricky, the recordings I could found are real bad and the way Tanega
plays is out of concept. What you need to know and what is recognizable by the track
is that Tanega plays only strings while singing which then end up in full chords.
I haven't found out if this is due to a second guitar, but I think she plays it alone
and it's played on only one guitar. Still there is a easier way, intead of playing
string by string,
you can play chords instead. So I'm going to present a version with the first verse in string-version
and the rest of all verse with chords.
Full step down - D G C F B d
B D E F# F#5 Bm C# A Esus4
v v p p v v p p v v p p v v v B
Don't sing if you want to live long they have no use for your song you're dead, you're dead,
F|---------------------------------------6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6| Repeat
C|---------------------------------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7| with
G|-7----------7--------------------------7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7| next
D|-------5-----------5----8---7-----3----5-5-3/4/5-5-3/4/5-5-3/4| verse
you're dead you're dead and outta this world
B D E F#
Don't sing if you want to live long
B D E F#
they have no use f or your song
F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B
you're dead you're dead you're dead, you're dead
D C# A B
and outta this world.
B D E F#
You'll never get a second chance
B D E F#
plan all your moves in advance
F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B
stay dead stay dead stay dead, stay dead
D C# A B
and outta this world.
B D E F#
Run fast don't stand in the sun
B D E F#
there's too much work to be done
F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B
you're down you're down you're down, youre down
D C# A B
and outta this world.
E Esus4
B D E F#
Don't ever talk with your eyes
B D E F#
be sure that you compromise
F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B
you're dead you're dead you're dead, you're dead
D C# A B
and outta this world.
B D E F#
Hear the unloved weeping like rain
B D E F#
guard your sleep from the sound of their pain
F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B
long gone long gone long gone, long gone
D C# A B
and outta this world.
E Esus4
B D E F#
When you smile and it tears your face
B D E F#
it's time for the inhuman race
F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B
you're down you're down you're down, you're down
D C# A B
and outta this world.
B D E F#
Now your hope and compassion is gone
B D E F#
you've sold out your dream to the world
F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B F#5 B
stay dead stay dead stay dead, you're dead
D C# A B
and outta this world.
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