Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
*EDIT* (June 21, 2015) I found this song back in like january/february of 2015. It was on youtube and technically it was only a tidbit of the song because the creator of the short, had only sang a small part of it. So, obviously, that is all i was able to tab. I can see why so many of you like this version because its the easy version. But I recently realized someone had tabbed out the entire song. And even though it hurts a little because I put so much time into this tab, I really think you should go off theirs. Its version three.
===================================================== From the not yet released short film "Lava" by Pixar Its from the teaser for the film of a happy, yet slightly depressed Volcano =====================================================
Artist: James Ford Murphy (Pixar) Song: Someone to Lava (from the Short Film "Lava") Tabbed By: austinrnpenro
**NOTE: a G can be played to replace the G7's, but this of course is based on preference.**
CGFCGC (carry out C to the verse)
CG7 A long long time ago, there was a volcano. FCG7 Living all alone, in the middle of the sea. CG7 He sat high above his bay, watching all the couples play, FCG7 and wishing that, he had someone too. CG7F And from his lava came, this song of hope that he sang out-loud everyday, CG7 for years and years.
FC I have a dream, I hope will come true, G7C that you're here with me and I’m here with you FC I wish that the earth, sea, the sky up above FG7C will send me someone to la-va
==================================================================== Yep people, thats about it. Its short and sweet and I heard it and had to do it. I love the sweet sound a Ukulele, but sometimes all you have is a guitar, and you have to make due. Definitely got that Hawaiian Vibe.
If you have any questions on the tab, just email me at
Thanks for reading ====================================================================