Michael Learns To Rock é o nome de uma das mais populares bandas dinamarquesas, que acabou por nunca conseguir conquistar um lugar de destaque a nível internacional, com excepção do mercado asiático, onde triunfou desde o início. O grupo surgiu em 1988 sob o impulso do líder e vocalista Jascha Richter e da sua irmã, bem como do guitarrista Mikkel Lentz e do baterista Kare Wansher. Pouco tempo depois, a irmã de Richter foi substituída pelo baixista Soren Madsen
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any Way You Want It - Michael Learns To Rock http://youtu.be/mJ_eFOvFeRs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chords by: Kevin Nathanael Email: [email protected] Posted & Presented to the public by me, Nicholas Lee. I just wanna share this beautiful piece of music for everyone to play, Ofcourse the chords are written by Kevin Nathanael.
Intro: CAmEmG
CAm It's a long and lonely night FG7G Early in the morning CAm I can see a million lights FG7G And many dreams are calling
EAm Beauty as a flower DG Slipping through the walls C/EDmGG7G Am I about to lose it all?
CG Any way you want it FG Anything you need CG Baby you're the master FG That I want to please AmG Love is getting harder FG With a nice tattoo CAm Yes I came for you EmG (So she said)
CAm I am walking on my own FG7G As the sun is shining CAm But a message on my phone FG7G Makes my thoughts colliding
EAm Clever conversations DG Get a little numb C/EDmGG7G Makes me feel that we belong to none
CG Any way you want it FG Anything you need CG Baby you're the master FG That I want to please AmG Love is getting harder FG With a nice tattoo C I had it made for you
GCF I will show you something that you never tried before GFCF Baby I will make you beg for more GCF Standing here preventing you from running for the door DmG Just touch me now... anyhow
EAm Beauty as a flower DG Slipping through the walls CDm Am I losing my mind FG Why did I return your call
CG Any way you want it FG Anything you need CG Baby you're the master FG That I want to please AmG Love is getting harder FG With a nice tattoo CAm I had it made for you EmGCAm So she said EmGC So she said