Lostprophets foi uma banda de Rock Alternativo do País de Gales formada em 1997. Eles produziram muitos demos (nenhum comercializado), cinco álbuns e diversos singles. O seu primeiro álbum 'thefakesoundofprogress' foi gravado numa semana por £5000 como um demo glorificado, mas a banda re-editou-o e re-lançou-o numa escala muito maior com a Columbia Records nos EUA, no entanto continuavam com a Visible Noise no Reino Unido. Eles lançaram 'Start Something' em 2004
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
EmD Yesterday I lost my closest friend, Yesterday I wanted time to end, I wonder if my heart will ever mend? CDEm I just let you slip away. 4AM forever.
EmD Maybe I'll never see you smile again? Maybe you thought it was all pretend? All these words that I can never send, CDEm I just let them slip away 4AM forever
EmCGD Why dont you hear me when I'm calling out to you? (to you) Why dont you listen when i try to make it through? (to you) Goodbye, goodbye Goodbye you'll never know, CDEm Hold a little tighter, 4AM forever
EmD Maybe one day when i can move along, Mabye someday when you can hear this song, CDEm You wont let it slip away. 4AM forever
CD I wish this song will never go, EmG Its 4AM and you are done. I hope you know you're letting go, Its 4 am and i'm alone.
And everything is exactly the same from here...
Why dont you hear me when I'm calling out to you? (to you) Why dont you listen when i try to make it through? (to you)
Goodbye, goodbye, Goodbye you'll never know. Hold a little tighter
Why dont you hear me when I'm calling out to you? (to you) Why dont you listen when i try to make it through? (to you) Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you'll never know. Hold a little tighter. 4AM forever
A Guitar Is The Human Soul Speaking With Just Six Strings