Leonard Cohen nasceu em Montreal, província de Quebec, Canadá, de uma família judia de origem polaca. A sua infância foi marcada pela morte de seu pai quando Cohen tinha apenas 9 anos, fato que seria determinante para o desenvolvimento de uma depressão que o acompanharia durante boa parte da vida. Aos 17 anos, ingressa na Universidade McGill e forma um trio de música country. Paralelamente, passa a escrever seus primeiros poemas, inspirado por autores como García Lorca.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
AmCE e|----------0---------------|-----------0---|-----------0--| B|-------1-----1------------|--------1------|--------0-----| G|----2-----------2-----2---|-----0---------|-----1--------| D|-------------------2------|---------------|--------------| A|-0------------------------|--3------------|--------------| E|--------------------------|---------------|--0-----------| p i m a m i p i p i m a p i m a
The pattern is played two times per bar (indicated by / in first verse). In the first and second line of every verse there are three chords per bar and i play the pattern C and E .
Cohen plays ?don't really know?
AmCE e|-------------------------0----------|--------------------|-------------------| B|-------1--------1-----1-----------1-|--------1--------1--|--------0--------0-| G|----2--------2-----2-----------2----|-----0--------0-----|-----1--------1----| D|----------2-----------------2-------|-----------2--------|-----------2-------| A|-0----------------------------------|--3-----------------|--2----------------| E|------------------------------------|--------------------|-------------------| p i m p i m p i m p i m etc.
There are twentyfour notes (triplets) per bar, to much for my fingers.
AmAm / AmAm
/ CEAm When they poured a-cross the border / CEAm I was cautioned to sur-render, / CG / G (2/4) this I could not do; FF / CE / AmAm / AmAm I took my gun and van-ished.
CEAm I have changed my name so often, CEAm I've lost my wife and children CGG but I have many fri-ends, FFCE / AmAm / AmAm and some of them are with me.
CEAm An old woman gave us shelter, CEAm kept us hidden in the garret, CGG then the soldiers came; FFCEAmAm / AmAm she died without a whis-per.
CEAm There were three of us this morning Hier encore nous étions trois CEAm I'm the only one this evening Il ne reste plus que moi CGG but I must go on; Et je tourne en rond FFCEAmAm / AmAm the fron-tiers are my pri-son. Dans la prison des frontières
CEAm Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing, La vent souffle sur les tombes CEAm through the graves the wind is blowing, La liberté reviendra CGG freedom soon will come; On nous oubliera ! FFCE / AmAm / AmAm then we'll come from the shad-ows. Nous rentrerons dans l'ombre.
CEAm Les Alle-mands é-taient chez moi, The Germans were at my home CEAm ils me dirent: "Ré-signe toi," They said, "do resign," CGG mais je n'ai pas peur; But I am not afraid FFCE / AmAm / AmAm j'ai repris mon ar-me. I have retaken my weapon.
CEAm J'ai chan-gé cent fois de nom, I have changed names a hundred times CEAm j'ai per-du femme et en-fants I have lost wife and children CGG mais j'ai tant d'a-mis; But I have so many friends FCEAmAm / AmAm j'ai la France en-tière. I have all of France
CEAm Un vieil homme dans un gre-nier An old man, in an attic CEAm pour la nuit nous a ca-chés, Hid us for the night CGG les Alle-mands l'ont pris; The Germans captured him FFCEAmAm / AmAm il est mort sans surpri-se. He died without surprise.
CEAm Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing, CEAm through the graves the wind is blowing, CGG freedom soon will come; FFCEAmAm / AmAm (arpeggio) then we'll come from the shad-ows.