Barenaked Ladies (abreviação BNL) é uma banda canadense de rock alternativo. A banda é formada atualmente por Jim Creeggan, Kevin Hearn, Ed Robertson e Tyler Stewart. BNL foi formada em 1988 em Scarborough, Ontario, na época subúrbio de Toronto. Entre seus singles mais conhecidos estão One Week, Pinch Me, If I Had $1000000 e Brian Wilson.
Em 25 de fevereiro de 2009, a banda anunciou o desligamento do vocalista e guitarrista Steven Page. Segundo o site oficial, houve um acordo mútuo entre as partes.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
GC It was an upset in two minutes flat GC We were back on the freeway foot to the mat EmA7 I can't understand it we had it down pat CD It's very upsetting could we leave it at that GC We all had positions we each had a role GC We'd over-rehearsed it we had full control EmA7 They can't teach you acting it's there in your soul CD It's the same with a bank job and each thing we stole
EmF#/DG So I don't need attitude EmF#/DG Cause you knew just what to do C We all did our best now B/C We all need to rest now A7 Leave me alone D Wait by the phone
GC I was the driver you ran the show GC You had the last word the go or no go EmA7 I knew every laneway in Ontario CD But it's not what you're sure of it's what you don't know GC It should have been filled with the usual ones GC Throwing their cash into mutual funds EmA7 We all had our ski masks and sawed-off shotguns CD But how do you plan for a bank full of nuns
GC Well I guess we panicked - we all have taboos GC And they were like zebras they had us confused EmA7 We should be in condos with oceanfront views CD Instead we're most-wanted on the six o'clock news
EmF#/DG So I don't need attitude EmF#/DG Cause you knew just what to do C We all did our best now B/C We all need to rest now A7 Leave me alone D And wait by the phone
Break: EmF#/DGCF#/D CB/CCD x2
GC Inside the police car you tried to explain GC your crisis of conscience the voice in your brain EmA7 And now that the whole thing has gone down the drain CD I think we all know who should shoulder the blame GC Cause you made a choice there almost sublime GC I'm all for compassion just not on my dime EmA7 You looked like an amateur and that's the real crime CD So I'll take a walk now and you do the time
EmF#/DG And I don't need attitude EmF#G Cause you knew just what to do C We all did our best now B/C We all need to rest now A7 Leave me alone D There's no need to phone
GD We all did our best now GD We all need to rest now GD Leave me alone GD We all did our best now GD We all need to rest now GD Leave me alone GD Leave me alone