The Dewarists is a musical television series aired on MTV India (2011-). The series is part-music-documentary and part-travelogue. The show casts musicians from various parts of the world, collaborating to create original music while travelling across India. The first season featured a total of ten episodes. It featured musicians Imogen Heap, Vishal-Shekhar, Zeb and Haniya, Shantanu Moitra, Swanand Kirkire, Indian Ocean, Mohit Chauhan, Parikrama, Agnee
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
I saw there wasn't any tab of this brilliant song anywhere on the internet so i posted. I did this is half an hour so its only roughly correct. I'll perfect it if i get time to listen and figure out properly later.
Song : I Believe Artists : Agnee, Parikrama and Shilpa Rao ( ) Album : The Dewarists (Season One)
Main Riff:
CD e|-----------|-------------| B|-----------|-------------| G|------0----|------0------| D|----2---2--|----4---4----| A|--3--------|--5-------5--| E|-----------|-------------|
CD I believe in the sun CDC Even though it's slow in rising CD I believe in you CDC Even without realizing
CDC Ho pyaar mein jo hausla CDC Kadmo pe tere ho jahaan CDC Ho pyaar mein jo hausla CDC Kadmo pe tere ho jahaan
CD I believe in the sun CDC Even though it's slow in rising
CD I believe in you CDC Even without realizing CD I believe in the rain CDC Though I see no clouds in the sky CD I believe in truth CDCG Even though everybody lies
AmCG I believe in love (I believe in love) D Even though people in hate live AmCG I believe it has the power to forgive AmCG I believe in love (I believe in love) D Even though people in hate live AmCG I believe it has the power to forgive
C#mAbm Hum bhi toh hain iss jahaan mein C#mAbm Pal bhar sahi tere dastaan mein BmG Kyun hai abhi faaslaa BmEsus4 Hai pyaar mein jo hausla C#mAbm Hum bhi toh hain iss jahaan mein C#mAbm Pal bhar sahi tere dastaan mein BmG Kyun hai abhi faaslaa BmEsus4 Hai pyaar mein jo hausla
C#mB Ho pyaar mein jo hausla C#mAB Kadmo pe tere ho jahaan C#mB Ho pyaar mein jo hausla C#mA Kadmo pe tere ho jahaan
ACG I believe in love (I believe in love) D Even though people in hate live AmCG I believe it has the power to forgive AmCG I believe in love (I believe in love) D Even though people in hate live AmCG I believe it has the power to forgive
(Insane Outro Solos)
CD I believe in peace CDC Even though the world is violent CD I believe in God CDC Even though he is silent
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