The Arrogant Worms are a Canadian musical comedy trio that parodies many musical genres. They are well known for their humorous on-stage banter in addition to their music.
The Worms came together in 1991 to do a few spots on campus radio station CFRC in Kingston, Ontario, and quickly moved to doing spots on the CBC Radio One. Since 1992, the troupe has released 11 albums on their own label and one compilation album under Oglio Records. Their most recent album, Torpid, was released in late 2008.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
VERSE 1: AE I am cow, hear me moo DA I weigh twice as much as you AE And I look good on a barbeque A Yoghurt, curd cream and butters DA Made from liquids from my udders ADEA I am cow, I am cow, hear me moo…
VERSE 2: AE I am cow, eating grass DA Methane gas comes out my ass AE And out my muzzle when I belch A Oh the ozone layer is thinner DA From the outcome of my dinner ADEA I am cow, I am cow, I’ve got gas…
VERSE 3: AE I am cow, here I stand DA Far and wide upon this land AE And I am living everywhere A From B.C. to Newfoundland DA You can squeeze my tits by hand ADEA I am cow, I am cow, hear me moo!
hey guys this is my 1st time submitting sorri if there is any mistakes email me if there at [email protected]