*This song is dedicated to dismantling all forms of racism, sexism, transphobia, and homophobia
(both systematic and individually) in music scenes but most importantly dismantling those forms
of oppression that exist with ourselves!
So you paid 15 bucks to get
(A) (D) (B)
into the show to see
seven bands that
(A) (D) (B)
nobody knows
you ever wonder where all that
(A) (D) (B)
money goes
well Ill tell ya, ill tell ya
(D) (B)
ill tell ya
It goes to companies bureaucracies and those
bands you didn't even
come to see
they all need their guarantees
so youll pay to play to get onstage
paid your dues played your tunes
with five white bands
and their all dudes
they all need to get their say
(A) (B)
so you pay to play to get onstage
its a classist, racist
(A) (D) (B)
music scene
tells us what were
(A) (D) (B)
supposed to see
homophobic, sexist
(A) (D) (B)
(B) (A)
reminds us who were supposed to be
I don't do it for the love of music
I do it for the hate of the industry
every privatized song
I do it because I am forced to walk a thin line
painted red in the middle of the road
and I can feel the walls close in on me
one wall covered with the blood of my friends
the other covered with sticky green dollar bills
to me it feels like one cannot exist without the other
and like in vintage pulp fiction movie
tan and yellow screenings tell me I
have to bleed myself dry for years
give up everything for nothing
until finally the day comes and the golden gates open for me
and then I am the warden
the others who struggled alongside now
giving up everything they own
for the nothing I have to give them
because even as I walk through those gates
I carry nothing with me, no weights, no emotional burdens gained
only paid dues, some imaginary class warfare
between those who have successfully played the game
and those who have not
well I have found my way out of the maze
filled with green sticky walls
filled with dollar signs that seem like a foreign language to me
sometimes its hard living outside
the labyrinth walls
not fearing the minotaur anymore
not having a game to play
you need your own purpose with rules to hold us up
after sitting on crutches for so long
believing your legs to be broken since birth
sometimes its hard to run at first
but we will learn, and then
they will have to catch us
Don't support a music scene that doesn't support you and me!