...HEY JULIA... by Robert Palmer
*from 'Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley' (1974)*
Verse 1:
A7 B7
Hey, hey Julia, you're acting so peculiar,
D7 A7
I know I'd never fool you, in a million years.
A7 B7
A horn section, you resemble, and your figure makes me tremble,
D7 A7
And I sure would like to handle what's be-tween your ears.
Chorus 1:
B7 D7 A7
You're a temp-tation to a man.
B7 D7 A7
I could not re-sist you, and I won't if I can.
A7 B7
You're so unexpected and what-ever you injected,
D7 E7 A7
Made me feel how I felt when I sang.
Verse 2:
A7 B7
Hey, hey Julia, you're acting so peculiar,
D7 A7
I know I'd never fool you, in a million years.
A7 B7
You're a strain on my eyes-es and you're full of surprises,
D7 A7
Love ma-terialises, soon as you come near.
Chorus 2:
B7 D7 A7
There's a sen-sation you cre-ate;
B7 D7 A7
Robs me of my sleep, and I've for-gotten the date.
A7 B7
My head started spinning, soon as you started singing,
D7 E7 A7
And like a fish, I just rose to the bait.
Verse 3:
A7 B7
Hey, hey Julia, with your crazy sense of humour,
D7 A7
You turn fact into rumour, soon as you come near.
A7 B7
A horn section, you resemble, and your figure makes me tremble,
D7 A7
And I sure would like to handle what's be-tween your ears.
Chorus 3:
B7 D7 A7
You're a temp-tation to a man.
B7 D7 A7
I could not re-sist you, and I won't if I can.
A7 B7
You're so unexpected and what-ever you injected,
D7 E7 A7
Made me feel how I felt when I sang.
A7 B7
Julia, you're a danger; just like giving sweets to strangers,
D7 E7 A7
And I think its time I took you in hand.
A7 B7 D7 E7
575655 797877 x57575 x79797
Tabbed by Joel from cLuMsY, Bristol, England, 2006 (clumsyband@hotmail.com)