Panic! at the Disco é uma banda de rock alternativo iniciado em 2004 cujo único membro é, desde 2015, o vocalista e multi-instrumentista norte-americano Brendon Urie (nascido em St. George, Utah, em 12 de abril de 1987). Os músicos Nicole Row (baixo) e Dan Pawlovich (bateria, percussão), acompanham Brendon nas turnês e shows. A banda tem o seu nome vindo da música 'Panic' da banda Name Taken. Já foram membros oficiais do Panic! At The Disco o baterista Spencer Smith (2004 - 2015)
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
A is it still me that makes you sweat F am i who you think about in bed when the D lights are dim your hands are E7 shaking as youre sliding off your dress A think of what you did F how i hope to God it was worth it the D lights are dim your heart is E7 racing as your finger touch his skin A Got more wit a better kiss F a hotter touch a better f than any D boy you'll ever meet sweetie E7 you had me girl i was A it look past the sweat a better F love deserving of D exchanging body heat in the E7 passenger seat no no no A you know it will F always just be me A let's get these teen hearts beating F faster faster A so testosterone boys and F harlequin girls will you D dance to this beat and E7 hold a lover close A so testosterone boys and F harlequin girls will you D dance to this beat and E7 hold a lover close A so i guess we're back to us F camera man swing the focus in case i've D lost my train of thought where was it that we E7 last left off pick up pick up well A now i do recall F we were just getting to the part where the D shock sets in and the stomach acid E7 finds they're way to make you get sick A i hope you didn't expect to get F all of the attention let's D not get selfish E7 did you really think i'd let you kill this chorus A lets get these teen hearts beating F faster faster A so testosterone boys and F harlequin girls will you D dance to this beat and E7 hold a lover close A so testosterone boys and F harlequin girls will you D dance to this beat and E7 hold a lover close