Oral cigarettes – Kyouran Hey Kids (noragami aragoto op. ver)
Tuning: standard
Chords by: Dan.!!!
* - single strum
(do this part as simulation of the tapping)
To-night, we honor the hero!
(Cm G# G Cm G# Bb) (x2)
Bb Cm G# Bb Cm G# G
Fu-sagu róume-ní, kowasu kíoura-Kíds. Uso kirái houkái, hibi wo tó-kashi-té
Cm G# Bb Cm Cm Cm
Amai táiwo-nó, mitsu niwói dat-té. Sosorou Flavor, Flavor, Flavor.
G# G Cm..
Just wanna hold your, hands
(figure strum for this last part)
..Cm G# Bb Cm G# Bb Cm Dm D# F Cm Dm D#
Just wanna hold your, hands. Just wanna hold your, hands
G# Bb D# Bb Cm
Kurú-te, Hey Kids! Shidái, ni jidái wa kawát-teee. Owara-nái shou-sóu
Bb G# Bb B Cm
Kurú-te, Hey Kids! De-áu hazu dá ata anata-to WOh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh Oh
Cm G# Bb D# Bb Cm
Kurú-te, náita! Wasu-renai, ái-wo sagásh-tee tsuna guitai zu-tóo
Bb G# G Cm
Kurú-te, Hey Kids! Soré-demo mirái-wá Again and Again
[Final Chorus]
G# Bb D# Bb Cm
Kurú-te, Hey Kids! Kudá-ranái e-gao kobásh-tee imino-nái kou sóu
Bb G# G Bb Cm
Kurú-te, Heiki! Watashi no namáe-wo Again and Again
Cm (Palm muted) G# Bb Cm*
I swear, I'll respect the heroes!