"Senhoras e senhores, permitem-me introduzir-vos as rainhas do barulho poético e da alma, as irmãs da misericórdia, as santas das almas danificadas, a ressaca da alta sociedade e a galinha nocturna para a Calamity Jane. Eis as Katzenjammer. bebam queridos rebeldes, e bebam de novo. A musicalidade culta das Katzenjammer é carregada pelo som de instrumentos como acordeão, bandolim, guitarra, piano, baixo balalaika, glockenspiel, trompete, kazoo, melódica, bateria e banjo, apenas para nomear alguns.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
DA Wake again to tea with cinnamon GDA7 Some honey on a spoon it is almost noon DA Walking down the stairs to shed my morning tears GD Just can't be satisfied lord knows that I've tried A G G*(333333) D That I've tried that I've tri - iiiiii - ed
GEm7 And it's so beautiful it's so beautiful DD/C#BmBm/A It's so bea- uti - ful GA But it's not real it's not real
D - Dsus2/4(xx0030) - D - D5(xx0235) - Dsus2/4 - D - Dsus2/4 - D - D/F# - A7 (x2)
Bright the sun the day is almost done I sit and drink champagne I am very sane Smell this tea And dream of what could be Defeated yet again By tea with cinnamon As many braver men I might bounce back my friend
And it's so beautiful it's so beautiful It's so beautiful But it's not real it's not real
Now it's night and I don't feel so bright My pulse is beating fast this will never last Another day is gone and I can not outrun The time is closing in let the sleep begin Let it begin let it begin
And it's so beautiful it's so beautiful It's so beautiful And it's so beautiful it's so beautiful It's so beautiful But it's not real And it's so beautiful it's so beautiful It's so beautiful But it's not real it's not real