The John Butler Trio is an eclectic roots/jam band from Australia led by guitarist and vocalist John Butler. Two of the band's albums—Three (2001) and Living 2001–2002 (2003)—have gone platinum in Australia and reached the top ten of the Australian album charts in those years. The 2004 album Sunrise Over Sea debuted at number one on the Australian charts on 15 March 2004 reaching gold record status in its first week on sale. Their next release, entitled Grand National, was released on 27 March 2007.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
EmGCA9 Well there's far too many questions to ask EmGCA9 To answer any of them tonight EmGCA9 For I wear too many masks EmGCA9 Too tell if any of them are wrong or right EmGCA9 And confusion casts a shadow over me EmGCA9 Like a great big cloud in the sky EmGCA9 And now I pray for rain EmGCA9 Cause it's been so long since i let myself cry
*Pre Chorus GCD For so long I've sang this sad ol' song GCD And it feels like my time is up GCD For she came and landed in my arms GCD And she filled my half empty cup A9A9 Yes she filled my half empty cup
*Chorus CDEmG There you are right in front of me CDEmG A brand new day sunrise over sea CDEmG D No longer my cup half empty cause there you are EmGCDEm You and your mum in front of me in front of me
GCA9 And now I look up above me EmGCA9 And I thank that great ol' God in the sky EmGCA9 For tellin' me my cup ain't half empty EmGCA9 It took my little girl to show me why
*Pre Chorus GCD For so long I've sang this sad ol' song GCD And it feels like my time is up GCD For she came and landed in my arms GCD And she filled my half empty cup A9A9 Yes she filled my half empty cup
*Chorus CDEmG There you are right in front of me CDEmG A brand new day sunrise over sea CDEmG D No longer my cup half empty cause there you are EmGCD You and your mum in front of me EmGCD You're peaches cream to me EmGCD You both are peaches cream to me skat EmGCDEmG (skat) CD All I know is EmG All I know and CDEmG I love you