Jason Thomas Mraz (nascido em 23 de Junho de 1977) é um cantor, violonista e compositor nascido e criado em Mechanicsville, Virginia, Estados Unidos está presente desde 1999. Nas suas influências encontram-se reggae, rock, folk, pop, jazz e hip-hop.
Estudou na Universidade de Longwood por pouco tempo, tendo depois uma curta passagem pela Academia Dramática Americana (para estudar Teatro Musical) em Nova Iorque, mudando-se para San Diego.
O seu primeiro projecto musical foi "A Jason Mraz Demonstration"
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
GEm Let's drive out to the desert at midnight C and dance in the dust of our headlights GD and score some good seats for the sunrise GEm and get dress up in clothes we don't mind getting messed up C When no one would know how to get us GD We don't need the map we'll just drive drive drive
EmC I wanna get lost with you GD and hideout out under the light of the moon EmC I wanna get lost with you AmD and see what it's like to spend the whole night EmC With you just you GD With you just you
GEm We could head North over the ocean of turquoises C Well after a while there'll be no noise GD Set for the sound of our heartbeats beat and on GEm and we'll stand in the Grand here alone C Singing our favorite songs GD and wait for the words to return to the echo echo echo echo echo
EmC I wanna get lost with you GD and hideout out under the light of the moon EmC I wanna get lost with you AmD and see what it's like to spend the whole night EmC With you just you GD With you just you EmC With you just you G With you just you
FG And I FAmDG I wanna get lost Em Let's see what the night can do C Let's see what the night can do G Let's see what the night can do DG I wanna get lost Em Let's see what the night can do C Let's see what the night can do G Let's see what the night can do DG I wanna get lost with you Em Let's see what the night can do DC Let's see what our hearts wanna do Am I wanna know what it's like to spend the whole night EmC With you just you GD With you just you EmC With you just you