Cardiacs side project The Sea Nymphs.
Song title : Appealing to Venus
Very Beach Boys ala "God Only Knows" feel to the song.
You'll probably have to know the song quite well to know the timing of the vocal melody
but hopefully the site page shows the chord changes above the correct words !
Cm G#
So many years ago
Cutting them down
Cm F A# C
Cracking their skulls, I stroke your temple
F A# C
And where are all the people
F A# D# Dm Cm,
Dm, D#
Come back to us we need you
D# Dm Cm, Dm, D#
Cm G#
And good we have a love match
C# Cm F
As soon as they're asleep we're gonna
A# C
get us out of here
F A# C
Legend or not he's gone
F A# D# Dm Cm,
Dm, D#
He claimed to be the fu....ture
D# Dm Cm, Dm, D#
C G# D G# A
I strike from you all your precious life, Destroy my will
B C# Cm Bbm, Cm, C#
It's only
C# Cm Bbm, Cm, C#
G(root note only)
(sax (?) solo repeats verse and bridge x1
G(root note only)
Cm G#
So many years ago
C# Cm
Golden appeals to Venus
F A# C
Cut them down by millions
F A# C
A billion trillion millions
F A# D# Dm Cm,
Dm, D#
They claimed to be the fu..ture
D# Dm Cm, Dm, D#
D# Dm Cm, Dm, D#
D# Dm Cm, Dm, D#
to fade...