Aimee Mann (nasc. 8 de setembro de 1960) é uma cantora, guitarrista, baixista e compositora estadunidense de Richmond, Virgínia.
Aimee é ex-integrante da banda 'Til Tuesday, que chegou a emplacar o single "Voices Carry" – também nome do primeiro álbum do grupo – na parada da MTV norte-americana. O sucesso, porém, não foi repetido com o segundo disco e ela deixou a banda em 1990 para seguir em carreira solo.
Aimee encontrou a fama através do diretor de cinema Paul Thomas Anderson
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Am7Csus2G We made it down to New York With everything intact D But as for getting back it was Am7Csus2G Boo who made the joke They don't give you any hope DCsus2Am But they'll leave you plenty of rope
Am7Csus2G And Dan came in from Jersey He went to get the drums D And if Buddy ever comes Am7Csus2G We can get it off the ground I hope someone's coming down DCsus2 Else I can't see hanging around
CEmAm7 Oh, experience is cheap If that's the company you keep EmD And a chance is all that I need Am7Csus2G And I've had it I've had it
Am7Csus2G So we all just started playing And then something strange occured D Not a person stirred Am7Csus2G Oh, it started out one way But it turned out to be okay DCsus2 And I felt that someone should say
CEmAm Oh, experience is cheap If that's the company you keep EmD And before you know that it's free Am7Csus2G You've had it Am7Csus2GB7 You've had it
EmDCG Like most amazing things it's easy to miss Am7Csus2G And easy to mistake For when things are really great DCsus2 It just means everything's in its place
Am7Csus2G 2x
Am7Csus2G When everything was over And we loaded up the van D I turned and said to Dan Am7Csus2G Dan, I guess this is our prime Like they tell us all the time DCsus2 Weren't you expecting some other kind?
CEmAm7 Oh, experience is cheap If that's the company you keep EmD But I'll never get that disease Am7Csus2G 'Cause I've had it I've had it I guess I've had it Woo hoo hoo woo hoo hoo Ooo oo oo oo oo AmCsus2 Oo oo oo oo oo oo