KISS é uma banda de hard rock formada em Nova York, Estados Unidos, em 1973.
Constitui um dos maiores impactos culturais da década de 1970, valendo-se de roupas, e sobretudo, maquiagens que marcariam a história da música. Seus dois fundadores são Gene Simmons (baixo e vocal) e Paul Stanley (guitarra rítmica e vocal), que ficaram frustrados com o fim de uma banda que formaram chamada "Wicked Lester", assim, decidindo procurar novos integrantes para uma nova banda
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Easy! All power chords (in order of appearance in intro)
Intro Chords:1: A (E string 5th fret) D (A string 5th fret)
Return to A (E 5th fr.) 2:D(A-5th fr)DA (D string 7th fret power chord:D7th,G9th,B10th fret) E (A string 7th fret p.c)
Repeat 1 and 2 ending on E (A string 7th fret p.c.) strum 9x
sung before first played chord A (E string 5th fret) It's been a month or 2 since I've been sleepin w/ you
(sung in between chord change) D (A-5th fret)-A(D-7th)-E(A-7th) I'm comin' home again
repeat chord changes with:
I've been through east and west, but baby I like best the road that leads to you.
G(D st. 5th fr) D(A st. 5th) Oh girl
GDGDA(D-7th) E(A-7th) It seems the whole wide world
(no guitar part) Seems the same
(same chords used for the first set of lyrics) Hotels they all look the same, just seems to drive me insane but I can't get away. Until I receive a call that tells me that will be all, and then I hop a plane
(Same chords used for "oh girl, it seems . . .) It's true, I'm not sure if you knew
(no guitar part) I'm comin' home to
(12th fret A st. power chord),11th,9th,7th,5th, you
after the 5th fret (D power chord 5x), A(D-7th), E(A-7th) Repeat the entire sequence from the 12th fret.
Oh girl, It seems the whole wide world, seems the same (etc.)
The song ends with the final sequence starting on the 9th fret power chord on the D string, 8th,6th,4th, E(A str.7th <5x),9th(D string), 9th (A string) ^^^^^^this sequence twice, then end with D (A string 6x) A (E 5th)