Kimya Dawson (nascida no dia 17 de Novembro de 1972) é uma cantora-compositora que faz parte do movimento anti-folk.
Dawson se tornou conhecida como membra do The Moldy Peaches. Desde que a banda deu um tempo, em 2004, Dawson lançou algumas gravações caseiras e se apresentou na América do Norte e na Europa.
As músicas de Dawson fazem parte de filmes como The Guatemalan Handshake e Glue, ambos apresentados no Festival de Filme de Olympia, em novembro de 2007.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
This is my first but even so I know this is correct no doubt. However if you do infact find any mistakes which I sincerly doubt though you can comment or email me with questons/suggestions/corrects at [email protected] ________________________________________________________ Scroll down more if you want lead guitar as well. Sorry that the lead guitar aren't proper tabs, I would infact make them as so but I have no clue how to read them and much less how to make them ________________________________________________________
The whole song is basically just G,D,C it repeats, and repeats, and repeats.
This is the 2nd guitar.
I'm nobody's hippie and the best medicine
D is back on track with his taco bell girlfriend
G maybe i'll listen to back in black again
DCG and write more letters that i'll never send
G and pretend i'm going for a drive
D and pretend i'm driving on I-5
G and pretend i'm drinking five alive
DCG and soon you will arrive
G and say you're my hippie i'll say i'm your hippie
D we'll giggle and cuddle and always be happy
G we'll never go crazy we'll never feel crappy
DCG we'll never feel crappy we'll always be happy
G and you and me will be whirlwinds of danger
D we'll crash on our bikes and take candy from strangers
i'll sleep on the top bunk you'll sleep in the manger
DCG the odds always upstage the wager
i'm nobody's hippie and the best medicine's back in the sack with his burger king girlfriend maybe i'll play tekken 2 all alone again hold down select and then laff at big heads
so please be my hippie i'm nobody's hippie we'll smoke some patchouli our lives will be trippy i try to be mallory but i'm still skippy we'll freebase tamari like pat benatari
i'm nobody's hippie and the best medicine is back on track with his taco bell girlfriend maybe i'll listen to back in black again and write more letters that i'll never send and write more letters that i'll never send ______________________________________________
Lead guitar
All you're doing is plucking 2 strings on the D chord ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the first time you pluck just pluck them openly 1 2 3
________________________________ _________________________________ pluck 2 first _________________________________ then 3
do this back and fourth then put your finger on the 2nd string and third fret then go to the third string on the 2nd fret and pluck those two back and fourth in that order
now go back to plucking the two strings the way you did at first openly back and fourth
now put your finder on the 2nd string third fret, then same string 1st fret, same string but pluck open, 3rd string 2nd fret and then same string openly.