Flogging Molly é uma banda estadunidense de punk celta formada em Los Angeles, Califórnia, no ano de 1997.
A banda nasceu em uma das muitas tabernas de netos de imigrantes irlandeses do começo do século passado. Muito influenciados por seus antepassados, começaram a tocar na taberna de Molly Malones, em Los Angeles.
O primeiro disco da banda, "Alive Behind the Green Door", foi gravado ao vivo, na taberna.
Em 2002, a banda lança "Drunken Lullabies" que incluía um de seus maiores sucessos, a canção de mesmo nome.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
BmF#m Your passin' broke the silence GA On that dark October day BmF#m The sun was headin' for the west GA As it did I heard you say BmF#m I set my sail for a gentle breeze GA Now I leave this world as it was meant to be GADABm And you did you listen to anything I said GABm Did you ever listen to me
Though now it seems you'll never know But every lad to a man must grow Till winter comes to celebrate Then proudly chills the bone When at last they bury me Into this ground you'll someday see And you did you listen to anything I said
GAD Did you ever listen to me
G Though the face we wear D Sometimes seldom speaks G From the babe that cries D To this grown man's feet G May the hand still write D And its' heart shape keep GBm Till our fathers sons and daughters agree
BmAG So I will pave this road till glory BmAG Sets our broken spirit free BmAG From every cross-soaked nail pours endless rain DABm With tears no eye should see BmAG But they could fill our highest ocean BmAG And the rivers in between AmGF With every blade that flowers must grow then drown CGE With love our cruelest sea