Enquanto seu nome pode não estar na ponta da língua de todo mundo em sua pátria, o cantor/compositor folk Josh Ritter tem se beneficiado de várias críticas positivas e uma fiel fã base. Nascido em Idaho, Josh comprou seu primeiro violão depois de ouvir o clássico "Girl from the North Country" de Bob Dylan e Johnny Cash. Enquanto cursava a faculdade em Oberlin, Ohio, Josh escutou pela primeira vez Leonard Cohen e Gillian Welch. Ele se apaixonou
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
I'm not sure what key the song is in, but this works anyway.
CC/BAmG How hard for the covers to be pulled from their slumbers, FGC but a ghost never gives up its sheet. C/BAmGFG Tell me, is it the same for the rattling chains or whatever you wear when C you sleep? FC You remember the time that I told you to take off your clothes? C/BAm You were naked as a window. CGFGC But I'll take all that nothing over nothing at all. C/BAmG I'm just a hallway for ceilings and walls, babe FGC and emptiness all the way through. CC/BAmG You know you're asking too much to be held and not touched, FGC but somehow that's just what you do. FC You remember the time that I told you to take off your clothes? C/BAm You were naked as a window CGFGC But I'd take all that nothing over nothing at all. CGFGC Yeah I'd take all that nothing over nothing, over nothing at all.