Jonas Brothers é uma banda de pop/rock formada em Nova Jersey, Estados Unidos em 2005. Seus integrantes são os irmãos Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas e Kevin Jonas. A banda é, na verdade, uma consequência da carreira solo de Nick. Ele começou a participar de musicais e apresentou-se, na adolescência, em vários espetáculos da Broadway. O presidente da Columbia se interessou pelo primeiro álbum do caçula, descobriu seus irmãos e os contratou, o que gerou a banda, que inicialmente se chamava Sons Of Jonas.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Hi, this is my first tab. I figured this song out on my own so if there is any problems please let me know. I find it easier just to use power chords for the chorus. I hope you enjoy!
EmC Oh This is an S.O.S. G Don't wanna second guess, D This is the bottom line Em It's true C I gave my all for you, G now my heart's in two DAm And I can't find the other half CG It's like I'm walking on broken glass, D better believe I bled AmC It's a call I'll never get
EmC Oh This is an S.O.S. G Don't wanna second guess, D This is the bottom line Em It's true C I gave my all for you, G now my heart's in two DAm And I can't find the other half CG It's like I'm walking on broken glass, D better believe I bled AmC It's a call I'll never get
EmC Next time I'll see you GD I'm giving you a high five AmD cause hugs are over rated, just FYI
EmC Oh This is an S.O.S. G Don't wanna second guess, D This is the bottom line Em It's true C I gave my all for you, G now my heart's in two (yeah)
EmC Oh This is an S.O.S. G Don't wanna second guess, D This is the bottom line Em It's true C I gave my all for you, G now my heart's in two DAm And I can't find the other half CG It's like I'm walking on broken glass, D better believe I bled AmC It's a call I'll never get (let c ring out)