Jet é uma banda de rock de Melbourne, Austrália formada em 2001. O primeiro álbum da banda, Get Born foi lançado em 2003 e vendeu inúmeras cópias em todo o mundo. A banda teve muita influência de outras bandas de rock, como The Kinks, The Beatles, AC/DC, e Rolling Stones, mas de acordo com Nic Cester, vocalista da banda, a maior influência deles foi a banda australiana You Am I.
Os irmãos Nic (vocalista e guitarrista) e Chris Cester (baterista) cresceram em Melbourne ouvindo o rock das décadas de 60 e 70.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
The other chord submission made by rubbersoul is correct, but I just felt that I should the way that jet actually plays Shine on. Here it is...
CAPO 2 (all chords relative to capo)
Verse 1
CEm Please don’t cry AmG You know I’m leaving here tonight CEmFG Before I go I want you to know that there will always be a light
AmG And if the moon had to runaway FC And all the stars didn’t wanna play AmG Don’t waste the sun on a rainy day FCDF The wind will soon blow it all away
Verse 2
CEm So many times I’d tried AmG To be much more than who I am CAmFG And if I let you down I will follow you ‘round until you understand
AmG That if the moon had to runaway FC And all the stars didn’t wanna play AmG Don’t waste the sun on a rainy day FCDF The wind will soon blow it all away Oh yeah
CG When the days all seem the same AmGF Don’t feet the cold or wind or rain CG Everything will be okay AmGD We will meet again one day AmGFC I will shine on, for everyone
Verse 3
CEm So please don’t cry AmG Although I leave you here this night CEm Where ever I may go how far I don’t know FG But I will always be your light
AmG That if the moon had to runaway FC And all the stars didn’t wanna play AmG Don’t waste the sun on a rainy day FCDF The wind will soon blow it all away yeah, oh yeah
CG When the days all seem the same AmGF Don’t feet the cold or wind or rain CG Everything will be okay AmGD We will meet again one day AmGFC I will shine on, for everyone AmGFCDF shine on, for everyone aah aah
CG When the stars all look the same AmGF Don’t feet the cold or wind or rain CG Everything will be okay AmGD We will meet again one day AmGFC I will shine on, for everyone AmGFCAmG FC shine on, for everyone