Jason Thomas Mraz (nascido em 23 de Junho de 1977) é um cantor, violonista e compositor nascido e criado em Mechanicsville, Virginia, Estados Unidos está presente desde 1999. Nas suas influências encontram-se reggae, rock, folk, pop, jazz e hip-hop.
Estudou na Universidade de Longwood por pouco tempo, tendo depois uma curta passagem pela Academia Dramática Americana (para estudar Teatro Musical) em Nova Iorque, mudando-se para San Diego.
O seu primeiro projecto musical foi "A Jason Mraz Demonstration"
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
______________ / Jason Mraz / I think this is simply a beautiful, classical love song, / Bella Luna / possibly inspired from a moonlight walk. Almost every line / Mr. A-Z / here is expressing open admiration; as such there isn't any /_____________/ deep meaning in the lyrics, it's just the language of a lover.
**************************************************************************** * I've also made a Guitar Pro version of the Guitar fills & solo. * * This is the link to it: * * www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/j/jason_mraz/bella_luna_solo_guitar_pro.htm * ****************************************************************************
Mystery the moon A hole in the sky A supernatural nightlight So full but often right A pair of eyes a closing one A chosen child of golden sun A marble dog that chases cars to farthest reaches of the beach and far beyond into the swimming sea of stars
The cosmic fish they love to kiss They're giving birth to constellations No riffs and oh no reservation If they should fall you'd get a wish or dedication May I suggest you get the best For nothing less than you and I Let's take a chance as this romance is rising Oh, before we lose the lighting
Oh, bella bella, please Bella you, beautiful luna Oh, bella do what you do
You are an illuminating anchor Of leads to infinite number Crashing waves and breaking thunder Tiding the evenflows of hunger You're dancing naked there for me You expose all memory You make the most of boundary You're the ghost of royalty imposing love You are the queen and king combining everything Into twining like a ring around the finger of a girl I'm just a singer, you're the world All I can bring ya is the language of a lover
Bella luna, my beautiful, beautiful moon How you swoon me like no other
May I suggest you get the best of your wish May I insist that no contest for little you or smaller I A larger chance had but all There may lie on the rise on the brink of our lives
Bella, please Bella you, beautiful luna Oh bella do what you do
Bella luna, my beautiful, beautiful moon How you swoon me like no other
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25th /November /08 Just mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments and corrections! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Maitinin writing here - the author of this tab.
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