Guster é uma banda alternativa formada em 1991 por Adam Gardner, Ryan Miller e Brian Rosenworcel, enquanto cursavam a mesma universidade.
Mesmo depois do lançamento de seus dois primeiros álbuns, Parachute e Goldfly, a banda ainda era ouvida apenas no cenário "underground", mas se popularizou após o lançamento do disco Lost and Gone Forever.
Atualmente, as músicas da banda têm sido incluidas em trilhas de filmes como Paranóia, Penetras Bons de Bico, Tempo de Recomeçar e em seriados como The OC.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come Downstairs And Say Hello - Guster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Thelaststory Email: [email protected]
Tuning: Standard, Capo 2nd Fret
Chords: CAmDmFG
This entire song are these chords, I transcribed this from a live video, but it turned to be exactly how they play it on the album as well, this is 100% correct. Just pick the in the beginning if you want it to sound more like the song.
C (4 times)
C Dorothy moves to click her ruby shoes Fsus2FC Right in tune with dark side of the moon GAmF Someone, someone could tell me C Where I belong DmFC Be calm, be brave, it'll be okay
CFCFC No more messing around and living underground FC And new year's resolutions Fsus2FC By this time next year I won't be here (I turn on) GAmFC turn on MTV, the volume's down DmF Lips move, they say C It'll be okay
C To tell you the truth, I've said it before Am Tomorrow I start in a new direction C One last time these words from me Am I'm never saying them again F and I shut the light
and listen as my watch unwinds
AmCGFCG C "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
C To tell you the truth, I've said it before Am Tomorrow I start in a new direction C I know I've been half-asleep Am I'm never doing that again C I look straight at what's coming ahead Am and soon its going to change in a new direction C Every night as I'm falling asleep Am These words repeating in my head
FC Voices calling from a yellow road GFC To come downstairs and say hello GFC Don't be shy, just say hello
C To tell you the truth, I've said it before Am Tomorrow I start in a new direction C I know I've been half-asleep Am I'm never doing that again C I look straight at what's coming ahead Am and soon its going to change in a new direction C Every night as I'm falling asleep Am These words repeated in my head