Os Fruit Bats são liderados pelo guitarrista, pianista e vocalista Eric D. Johnson, o principal letrista e único membro constante.
Originalmente membro do grupo de curta duração, I Rowboat, Johnson e mais dois amigos também membros da banda, Dan Strack (guitarrista) Brian Belval (baterista), criaram o Fruit Bats como projeto paralelo.
Quando o I Rowboat separou-se, o Fruit Bats tornou-se o principal foco de Johnson. Lançado por Tim Rutili e Ben Massarella
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
D e|---2-2---2-2---2-2---2-2---2-2----2-2---2-2---2-2-| B|---3-----3-----3-----3-----3------3-----3-----3---| G|-------2-----------2------------2-----------2-----| D|-0-----------0-----------0------------0-----------| A|--------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------|
Intro: A or [intro tab x2]
Verse 1 chords: [or use verse/chorus tab] AE There’s a man who lives on the sun, who makes it hard for everyone D Make you run aground, like a ship in the shallows, make your whole heart come undone AE And you come back as the song before you come back as the song D And you wore away by the rain in the rivers, before you had a chance to go...
Chorus chords: [or use verse/chorus tab] AED To the great unknown...o-o-own...o-o-own AED You are not alone...o-o-one...o-o-one AED Being on your own...o-o-own...o-o-own
Verse 2: [use verse 1 chords] There’s a man from the end of the road, who really really really wrote (?) And he lost his grip on the very last trip, and fell dreaming in his best ends (?) And it came back as a ghost, before he came back as a ghost And he was worn away by the rain in the rivers, and he found himself...
Chorus chords: [use verse/chorus tab] On his own...o-o-own…o-o-own And he is alone...o-o-one...o-o-one And being on his own...o-o-own…o-o-own
Verse 3: [use verse 1 chords] Well theres a light at the end of the line, where everything’s divine Have you got your grip? And you fall to the ether, and you finally bid just fine But the man who lives in the sun, has got it out for everyone They explore the ground, like ships in the shallow Makes the whole world come undone
Chorus Outro: [use chorus chords or use verse/chorus tab] And we are on our o-o-own…o-o-own We are not alone...o-o-one...o-o-one Being all alone...o-o-one...o-o-one We are not alone...o-o-one...o-o-one Being all alone...o-o-one...o-o-one We are not alone...o-o-one...o-o-one Being all alone...o-o-one...o-o-one