Flogging Molly é uma banda estadunidense de punk celta formada em Los Angeles, Califórnia, no ano de 1997.
A banda nasceu em uma das muitas tabernas de netos de imigrantes irlandeses do começo do século passado. Muito influenciados por seus antepassados, começaram a tocar na taberna de Molly Malones, em Los Angeles.
O primeiro disco da banda, "Alive Behind the Green Door", foi gravado ao vivo, na taberna.
Em 2002, a banda lança "Drunken Lullabies" que incluía um de seus maiores sucessos, a canção de mesmo nome.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
FC Whistles the wind FC Blowin' my way FCG Sweepin' me back, back here to stay FC Can winners be losers? FC Runnin' on the same track FCG While some head for glory, others we crash
CFC Well it breaks my heart to see you this way FCG The beauty in life where's it gone CFC And somebody told me you were doin' okay FCG But somehow I guess they were wrong
[Verse 2]
FC My isolation FC Now there's a sobering thought FCG A minute alone, a lifetime too long FC See the face in this mirror FC So pale it could crack FCG Desperately wantin' the color it lacks
CFC Well it breaks my heart to see you this way FCG The beauty in life where's it gone CFC And somebody told me you were doin' okay FCG But somehow I guess they were wrong
[Verse 3]
F So you drank with the lost souls C For too many years FC Tied to their ankles now crippled with fear FAm Never been righteous though seldom were wrong G Life's only life with you in this song
AmCFG (x2)
FC Now there's an ocean between FC Where I am and where I want to be FC So you prayers in doubt G Doubt not for me
CFC Well it breaks my heart to see you this way FCG The beauty in life where's it gone CFC And somebody told me you were doin' okay FCG But somehow I guess they were wrong
CFC Well it breaks my heart to see you this way FCG The beauty in life where's it gone CFC And somebody told me you were doin' okay FCG But somehow I guess they were wrong
FC Whistles the wind FC Whistles the wind FC Whistles the wind FC Whistles the wind
[Final Verse]
F Though you'll find your way out C But there's no goin' now F Every woman and child C Drags you down for the dive F It's not safe being free Am Can't give back what you feel GC He said you'll always be in heaven with me