Cauterize was an Alternative Punk Rock band that was formed in 1998 in Oshawa, Ontario, formerly known as T.O.E. The band initally consisted of Jesse Smith (guitar, lead vocals), Josh Slater (guitar, vocals), Jason Bone (bass, vocals), and Matt Worobec (drums). Chuck Coles (guitar, vocals) was added to the lineup in 2005.
The band signed with US record label Wind-up Records, which released the band's first album: 2003's So Far From Real. The album included the song "Something Beautiful", which was turned into a music video.
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Verse 1: GFG It’s kinda sad that I have learned FG to deal with things like this FGF Being strong means being heartless C Tell me how do the scars feel after the wounds heal? Dm Did it burn when they cauterized? Am Did it show that you were hiding the hurt inside? Do your eyes still shine as bright as F they did the days when you were at your best?
Refrain: EmFG If you run away from me AmFG I’m not running after you (Cause I’m so tired) EmFG If you turn away from AmFG this don’t look back (Cause I’ll be gone)
Chorus: C If you go then I'll forget you G When you’re gone I won’t miss you Am I’m sorry that’s just the way F I’ve learned to deal with a broken heart (Repeat)
Post Chorus: G-Am-F
GEmF And broken promises
Verse 2: C It’s been a long time since I’ve Dm seen you and longer since we’ve talked And the last thing that Am I said was I had nothing to say Now I’m choking on my words F All the things I didn’t say that could have made it all ok
Refrain 2: G Now that you’re all alone and feeling sorry for yourself FC Did it make sense to lie to me GF and deceive me like you did?
(Repeat Refrain 1 and Chorus and Post chorus)
(Repeat Intro but only twice)
Bridge: CDm Tell me, how do the scars F feel after the wounds heal? CDmF Did it burn when they cauterized? C Did it show that you Dm were hiding the hurt inside? F Do your eyes still shine as C bright as they did the DmF days when you were at your best?
Outro: GF How do the scars feel GF after the wounds heal? G Did it burn when FG they cauterized?