Big Head Todd & the Monsters is a rock band formed in 1986 in Colorado. The band has released eight studio albums since 1989 with their 1993 album Sister Sweetly going well beyond platinum in the US. The band has developed a sizeable live following especially in the Mountain States of the US. Big Head Todd and The Monsters – singer-guitarist Todd Park Mohr, bassist-singer Rob Squires, drummer-singer Brian Nevin and keyboardist-guitarist-singer Jeremy Lawton -- could have begun resting on their laurels back in 1993
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
[Verse 1] GE I work on a wreckin' wall GE Just off the liquor tracks GE Onto the shaky ground GD Oh, I'm fallin' down GE Hey, I'm ridin'
[Verse 2] GE A fool to confide GE Hey, Eddie watch your name GE Let that lady be your guide GD Hey, she's comin' round GE Hey, I'm flyin' (into breakdown chorus which is tabbed below)
GDAmC E--------- ---3----2-----0 -------0---------------| B--------- ---3--- 3-----1 ---1---1---------------| G--------- ---0----2-----2 ---0---0----0--0-------|back to G D--------- ---0--0-0-----2 -------2---------------| A--------- - -2--------0-0--2---3-3---2--3--------| E-------0-2-3-3-----------------------------------|
[Chorus] GDAmC When the sleep gets in your eyes GDAmC I'll be on Kensington Line GDAmCE And I'll run my hundred miles Hey,don't you follow me tonight
[Verse 3] GE Didn't like the look I see GE Runnin' in the autumn leaves GE Hasn't got a brain or peeve GD Oh, the walls are closin' in GD Hey, I'm headed out of here GDE Oh, I never meant to leave you cryin'