The Beach Boys é um banda de rock dos Estados Unidos formada em Hawthorne, Califórnia, em 1961, e é tida como uma das mais influentes da história do rock e do pop. Emplacou dúzias de canções nas paradas de sucesso (também emplacou quatro compactos no primeiro lugar entre os mais vendidos nos Estados Unidos da América), além de álbuns recordistas de venda. Foi incluída no Hall da Fama do Rock and Roll em 1988. Seu álbum Pet Sounds, de 1966
Quatro anos de trabalho duro!Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
-Eb- F Wouldn't it be nice if we were older?
BbGm7 Then we wouldn't have to wait so long.
C7F And wouldn't it be nice to live together,
BbGm7C7 In the kind of world where we be-long?
Dm7Cm7 You know it's gonna make it that much better,
Dm7Am7Gm7C7 When we can say goodnight and
F Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up,
BbGm7 In the morning, when the day is new?
C7F And after having spent the day together;
BbGm7C7 Hold each other close, the whole night through.
Dm7Cm7 What happy times together we'd be spending,
Dm7Am7Gm7C7 I wish that every kiss was ne...ver ending.
F Oh, wouldn't it be nice?
Dmaj7Gmaj7 Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray,
Gbm7Bm7 It might come true?
Dmaj7Gmaj7 Maybe then there wouldn't be,
Gbm7Bm7 A single thing we couldn't do?
Gbm7Bm7 We could be married, -we could be married-,
Gbm7C7 And then we'd be happy, -then we'd be happy-.
F Oh, wouldn't it be nice?
Dm7Cm7 You know it seems the more we talk about it,
Dm7Am7Gm7 It only makes it worse to live... with-out it,
Am7Gm7C7 But lets talk... a-bout it.
F Wouldn't it be nice?
Outro -repeat-: F -Ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba-,
-Ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba, ba ba ba-,
Good night, baby, sleep tight, baby.
Good night, baby, sleep tight, baby.