Graves, Gotham Road, a lenda do horror punk, Misfits ( 1995 - 2000 ) e o projeto do ex baterista do Ramones Marky Ramone Blitzkrieg, são essas algumas bandas que dividiram o palco com Michale Graves. Graves ainda conta com sua carreira solo, com a qual já gravou diversos álbuns, além de um acústico em conjunto com Damien Echols. Michael Emanuel (New Jersey, 21 de março de 1975), mais conhecido pelo seu nome artístico Michale Graves, é um cantor e compositor estadunidense.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
BmG6ABm Anything is what she is BmG6ABm Anywhere is where she's from BmG6ABm Anything is what she'll be BmG6ABm Anything as long as it's mine BmG6DBm And the door it opens is the way back in BmG6DBm Or is it the way back out BmG6ABm Anyplace is where she'll be BmG6ABm Anyplace she'll see you from BmG6ABm Lies and secrets become your world BmG6ABm Any time anywhere she takes me away
BmG6DBm And death climbs up the steps one by one BmG6 To give you the rose DBm That's been burnt by her son
BmG6DA Point me to the sky above BmG6DA I can get there on my own BmG6DA Walk me to the graveyard BmG6DA Dig up her bones
(VERSE CHORDS) I have seen the demon's face I have heard of her death place I fall down on my knees in praise of the Horrible things that took her away
(Bridge Chords) And death climbs up the steps one by one To give you the rose That's been burnt by her son
(Chorus Chords) Point me to the sky above I can get there on my own Walk me to the graveyard Dig up her bones Point me to the sky above I can get there on my own Walk me to the graveyard Dig up her bones Bones