Dr. Dog é uma banda de rock psicodélico de Filadélfia , Pensilvânia. Sua formação consiste atualmente de Toby Leaman (baixo), McMicken Scott (guitarra), Frank McElroy ( guitarra ritmo ), Zach Miller (teclado), e Eric) Calmo (bateria. Os vocais são divididos entre Leaman e McMicken, com todos os membros que contribuem harmonias . Além disso, cada membro da banda tem um apelido , e eles explicaram que os amigos da banda também recebem apelidos
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
CBb If I told you all my secrets, they'd be lies FF7 Oh and If I die a happy man D It's cause I finally learned to die G I've lived fools li-fe, I've lived a fools life
N.C. Strum Muted Strings(Piano May Be Hitting A High Note Repeatedly) Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah!
Point me to that door, I'd walk back in (right back in) I may have come here by mistake But I'll take what I can take I've lived fools li-fe, I've lived a fools life, baby Riff Now I'm dyin'...
CAb Would you sell the darkness some light GFC It's like sellin dark to light Ab Have I ever done anything right? (Go on and tell me) GFC I haven't got the right Ab And do you mind if we come along GFC I wouldn't mind at all Ab Would you please sing that song you just sung GFC Wild, Wild Life (Life Life Life Life)
CBb Life is just some living with a name FF7 Oh and have I done so many things D You'd have done it if you were me G I've lived fools li-fe, I've lived a fools life Riff Now I'm dyin'...