Dr. Dog é uma banda de rock psicodélico de Filadélfia , Pensilvânia. Sua formação consiste atualmente de Toby Leaman (baixo), McMicken Scott (guitarra), Frank McElroy ( guitarra ritmo ), Zach Miller (teclado), e Eric) Calmo (bateria. Os vocais são divididos entre Leaman e McMicken, com todos os membros que contribuem harmonias . Além disso, cada membro da banda tem um apelido , e eles explicaram que os amigos da banda também recebem apelidos
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!
Verse AC# It turns out cigarettes can kill you 'cause when you didn't come back DE every time that I thought of you I smoked a whole pack AC# I was up to about seventeen packs a day I was refueling too DEE7 about every hour or so I drank a bottle of white mule AC# I wasn't thinking about turquoise I wasn't thinking about gold DEE7 I wasn't thinking about thinking or about getting old AC# got to be so I didn't care if I was leaving or loving DEE7 oh what I was and what I was becoming
A I don't want to die in your arms
I just wannna die A don't want to die in you arms A7F#m6D I just want to die
the following verse follows the same AC#DE pattern and the song ends with the chorus