1) Safari is a Chilean Hip-hop group, influenced by seminal acid techno, oldskool hip hop, and Cannibal Ox, El-P, and uk grime.
2) S A F A R I is also a pretty sexy band from London ( I think ). www.thisissafari.co.uk
3) Safari also an Japan Instrumental band formed by Gregg Lee (bass), Shiro Ito (drums), Yoshimasa Shiozaki (guitar), Akiyoshi Adachi (percussion) and Kazuhiro Matsuishi (vibraphone).
4) Safari is also an american "indie garage rock" Band based in Cleveland, Ohio.
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!