(2004 - 2016) An 11 piece band that play(ed) arrangements of English traditional music.
They released one Ep, E.P.onymous in October 2004, and five albums, Burlesque in October 2006, Matachin in October 2008, Hedonism in October 2010, Broadside in October 2012 and Revival in June 2014. http://www.bellowhead.co.uk/releases.html
They announced in 2015 that the 2016 tour would be the last. www.bellowhead.co.uk/home/item/142-thats-all-folks.html
Neste mês de maio fizemos quatro anos no ar. Continuamos trabalhando na divulgação deste maravilhoso instrumento, obrigado por participar da nossa história!