Dustin Michael Kensrue (nacido el 18 de noviembre de 1980) es vocalista, letrista y guitarrista de Thrice (grupo de rock de California).
Kensrue toma gran parte de su inspiración literaria de diversas fuentes, entre ellas su autor favorito CS Lewis, quien escribió el conocido Crónicas de Narnia. Tiene un tatuaje en la muñeca izquierda que es un pasaje de la Biblia escrita en hebreo.
Dustin también añade la voz en la canción "The Contender" en el álbum "Pierce the Empire With a Sound".
¡Cuatro años de duro trabajo!Este mes de mayo cumplimos cuatro años al aire. Seguimos trabajando en la difusión de este maravilloso instrumento, ¡gracias por participar en nuestra historia!
[Verse 1] GEC Guitar chords while harmonica is played GECG I love how you curse when i wake you up GECG And sweetly demand that i fill your cup GECG you find all your cool gun powder stare GEC but honey you led me there
[Chorus] For the E chords in the chorus you have to lift your finger thats on the 4th string (D string) and return it. You will have to look at the video to get it correct but it's not very difficult. To help it goes two downstrokes and then its up down up down. Its after the two downstrokes where you lift your finger and then put it back down. It might not be 100% but it sounds pretty damn close if it's not. E Youre the girl of my dreams C And a pistol it seems GE But you shoot me straight and true C Time to lay down my bets Cm Oh i put my money on you
[Verse 2] GECG When im in the dark you bring me light GECG it seems like youre almost always right GECG keep boxing my ears when i sew them shut GEC baby you sure are tough
[Chorus] E Youre the girl of my dreams C and a pistol it seems GE but you shoot me straight and true C time to lay down my fears Cm honey i feel so safe around you
[Verse 3] GECG If the taylor man taught me anything GECG its that a hard headed womans what i need GECG to help me to always do whats best GEC baby my life is blessed
[Chorus] E Youre the girl of my dreams C darling please wear this ring GE youre an angel through and through C time to lay down my life Cm honey id do it gladly for you
[Outro] [2 chord are played here before ending] E is the first chord (do the same finger lift as done in chorus) Then (020033) is play i dont no what it is called though.. C time to lay down my life Cm honey id do it gladly for you